Home Linux Q1: Network Configuration and Hostname Set | RHCSA Exam Questions and Solutions...

Q1: Network Configuration and Hostname Set | RHCSA Exam Questions and Solutions | EX200 RHCSA v9


All of us who work with IT Systems are familiar with Red Hat Linux. Nowadays no one cannot expect a job or promotion without vendor certification in a specific field. Red Hat Linux is one of the most popular vendor companies in the world. RHCSA is the first certification of Red Hat Linux Enterprise. Beginners are tries to get this certification any cost.

Those who are currently working with system and want to give Linux exam, will get a good idea if they will follow my posts and can take exam preparation from home. I have made this post based on the exam held on last May 2023. I hope you will get 100% success in EX200 v9 RHCSA exam.

Question 01:

Make ensure the network connectivity of your system using the following IP information:

• IPv4:

• Subnet Mask:

• Gateway:

• DNS server:

and also set the hostname servera.lab.example.com


There are different ways to set static ip address in rhel 9. you can use any one of it.

• nmtui

• nmcli

Way 1: Static IP Address using nmtui utility

This is the text-based user interface for managing the networking on modern Linux systems. To set static ip address using nmtui, run the below command-

# nmtui

Using this tool, you can set ip address and hostname. Activate/Deactivate the interface easily. It will save your time in exam if you have any confusion on nmcli command.

100% mark you will get using this tool.

Way 2: Static IP Address using nmcli command

# nmcli connection modify “ens160” ifname ens160 ipv4.addresses \

  > ipv4.gateway ipv4.dns ipv4.method manual ;

# nmcli connection up “ens160”

# hostnamectl set-hostname servera.example.com

# hostnamectl status


Ping the gateway to make sure the ip configuration set correctly.

# ping172.22.10.2

RHCSA Sample Question 02 – Installing and Updating Software Packages.

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